Session 1

HUD Systems in Games

What is a HUD?:
A HUD is an interface that shows the player important information as they are playing, this prevents the player from taking time to go through several menus in order to see this information.

Differing HUD systems in Games:


3 advantages of the type of HUD:- The HUD for this game is quite minimalistic, not detouring much from the game, this helps keep the player immersed and does not take much time as the game is faced paced. The HUD uses simple and plain colours so not to take away from the immersion for the player. The HUD gives relevant information to the player for example when they pick up an item there is a notification that they have picked this up.

3 disadvantages of the type of HUD:-

Warlock: Masters of the arcane:

3 advantages of the type of HUD:- Information is given to you at the start of every turn. There are buttons along the right side that serve as reminders or option as to what could be done that turn. For example if a city was taken before your turn you will receive a notification that the city was taken, it is also the same if you have a spell that is ready to be cast or any units are available to move. This prevents the player from remembering every little thing and increases the immersion of the game. The map of the world is placed in the bottom right corner, this gives information as to where to camera is in relation to the world, the detail of the landscape and what territories that you taken. This increases the speed of the game, ensuring the player does not need to go through several menus in order to receive the same information.

3 disadvantages of the type of HUD:-

Warlock: Masters of the arcane

Pick 2 games that show different types of HUD (Heads up Display) systems. This could be a racing game and an FPS game, or a sports simulation and Mario style platformer game. They MUST be different to each other, so don’t use just FPS games.

Explain using these examples 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of using these types of HUDs for these particular games. Could mixing and matching different types from other game genres help? If so how?

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